Sunday, November 21, 2010

Burg Nanstein

Somehow I forgot to write about last weekend's hike to Burg Nanstein (Nanstein Castle). After a full week of rain, we woke up on Sunday morning, 14 Nov, with blue skies and downright balmy weather here in Landstuhl. Sam had been a while without a nap, so Nicki kicked Joshua and me out of the apartment around noon so she could put Sam down to rest in peace and quiet. Josh and I decided to take a walk towards the castle, Nanstein Castle, that is perched over this fine city.

We started through town and made our way towards a residential area before finding the trail head leading towards the castle. The hike wasn't so bad - gravel and dirt marked the trail nicely and the ascent was gradual. After a half hour or less, we made it to the castle grounds, paid our fare, and walked throughout. Some pictures from our journey:

In our quest to find fun signs from
around the world, I present this one, entitled
"If you bring your dog, tell him to hold it in"


  1. Did you tell Joshua the castle is almost 850 years old? Please tell him that's a bit older than Grammy! LOL I bet he enjoyed his "Dad and me" time. Love the dog sign!! They should put a gloved hand underneath to mean "pick up if they poop!" Looking forward to more stories!!

  2. Laura, I couldn't agree more with your suggestion about the sign. Not to get too gross, but I've stepped in dog manure at least 3 times since we've been here - and that's after a decade or more between the US and Japan not having stepped in any. It's like a canine mine field out here!
